I spent the last day of my recent trip to NYC, testing out my new camera, the Panasonic AU-EVA1 at Industry City in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.
Industry City is a six-million-square-foot gathering of warehouses, towering over the waterfront of Gowanus Bay. What was once an intermodal manufacturing center, is now a concrete oasis inhabited by creatives and innovators, breathing new life into an otherwise derelict area.
This video is a testimony for my abiding love for industrial environments, I only wish I could’ve spent more time at this beautiful place.
Oh well...till next time Industry City:
Music: Ryuichi Sakamoto - ZURE
Camera: Panasonic AU-EVA1
Lens: Sigma 24-70mm F/2.8
Post-process: V-Log LUT, Rocketstock Emulsion 35mm medium grain, Grainzilla Vintage Film FX filters, Red Giant Denoiser III.